Welcome to Nirmal Jyothi School.The school is a minority institution, managed by Nirmal Jyothi Educational Charitable trust and is situated in Palakdu in Kottayam District. The school is established in 2006, with the purpose of providing ‘quality education at an affordable cost’. The Trust has always believed that education leads to social transformation. It is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE),Delhi. Our school motto is ‘BLOOM AND AMAZE’. Nirmal Jyothi Public is an English medium co-educational School dedicated to the benefits of all sections of society irrespective of religion, caste, creed or any other sectarian consideration. Classes are held from Nursery to Std X and the students are finally prepared for CBSE Examination, on completion of Std X.
Education is imparted predominantly through interactive discussions. Projects and presentations by students, demonstrations and field trips are other delivery mechanisms. The modality varies by class and by the physical, intellectual and emotional needs of students. School programmes are delivered by teachers and other experts in the respective fields. The curriculum and the vision of the school aims at all round development of the children. Students are given every opportunity to excel in academics, sports and cultural field.
The School aims at the all round and harmonious development of each pupil - body, mind, intellect, aesthetic sense, personal responsibility and spiritual values - to help them live satisfying lives in the present as well as in the future. Pupils are encouraged to develop independent critical thinking, form their own judgment, make their own decisions, solve their problems and shoulder responsibilities. School aims to provide with the power, intellectual reference points they need for understanding the world.